Tuesday, 15 February 2011

High Vis Garments

High Vis Garments

Annually over 60 people are killed and 2000 seriously injured in accidents resulting from pedestrians being struck by moving plant e.g. forklifts or reversing lorries, mostly the drivers being unaware of the presence or movements of pedestrians close by.

To help reduce this risk and possible litigation the use of, high visibility clothing that complies to the EN471 Standard to improve the visibility of pedestrians is required
The HSE regulations state the employer is legally responsible for the health and safety of employees and visitors on site. Where the working situation requires a person to wear High Vis, the employer is legally bound to supply, free-of-charge, a garment that complies with the European Standard EN471. In the event of an accident, if the employer is found to have been negligent, they are at risk of prosecution, resulting in heavy fines, bad publicity and poor workplace morale.
Best practice for the health and safety of employees and visitors on site, requires assessment of delivery, collection and other vehicle movement risks and then reducing them as far as reasonably practicable.
In ideal circumstances pedestrians and vehicles should be kept separate at all times. However this is not always practicable particularly where workers are required in loading/unloading areas or on construction sites. In terms of safety procedures, employees and site visitors should always use personal protective equipment as a last resort or when it is the only means of protection.
Workplace transport is the second biggest cause of fatal accidents and the third biggest cause of major injuries in the British workplace. However employers and employees often do not recognise that vehicle activities need to be properly managed to ensure a safe workplace, that is until an accident has happened.
High Vis clothing is a simple, cost-effective way to improve the visibility of people at all hours and weather conditions. The fluorescent background material of a
High Vis garment provides daytime visibility while the retroreflective bands around the chest, arms or legs of garments provides reflectivity during night-time and low light conditions.
Granite Workwear has a large range of High Vis garments compliant to EN471 and GO/RT 3279 standards (UK Railways), also Traffic Management Garments that comply with the Street Works Acts requirements.

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mickerobinsone said...
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