Monday, 10 January 2011

Employers responsibility for High Vis Clothing.

The following advice is provided by the Health and Safety Executive to Employers regarding their responsibilities in regard to the supply and use of High Vis clothing:-

Storage Facilities must be provided for the clothing when not in use.

Adequate information must be provided along with training and instruction to ensure that employees use High Vis clothing correctly – This should include the explanation of why it is needed, what the risks are and how and when it should be worn.

Employees should be supervised to ensure that the clothing is actually worn and used correctly – whenever it is needed.

The employer must ensure that the High Vis clothing is maintained in a clean state and be in working order. Dirty, oily or greasy high vis garments may give the wearer a false impression of how well they can be seen and in itself could lead to accidents.

If an employee may be exposed to significant risks to their safety whilst at work then it is the employers responsibility to provide clothing free of charge to that employee. Some businesses provide funding to the employee to purchase their own High Vis garments. You must ensure, however, that the correct garments are purchased that comply with the relevant EN or GO/RT3279 standard. If you are unsure that they comply then request to view the garment test report from the supplier. Testing is expensive and suppliers / manufacturers are usually only too pleased to prove that they have jumped through all of the hoops to provice a correctly certified garment. There are garments on the market that do not comply – be aware.

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